
  1. Confidence Intervals of Minimal Length for the F Distribution

    We minimise the lengths of confidence intervals of a given level of confidence by varying the tail probabilities ratio. Select the level of confidence $(1-a)*100$ by chosing the value of $a$. Select the two values of the degrees of freedom, $n$ for the numerator and $m$ for the denominator of the F-distribution. The symmetric CI […]

  2. Bases and Coordinates in R2

    This applet demonstrates the concept of co-ordinate vectors in R^2.

  3. Visualising the Gram-Schmidt Algorithm

    This applet demonstrates the Gram-Schmidt algorithm performed in R^3.

  4. Visualising linear transformations in R2

    This applet shows the geometric effect of a linear transformation T: R^2 → R^2.

  5. Visualising linear transformations in R3

    This applet shows the geometric effect of a linear transformation T in R^3.